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HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2022 11:06 pm
by mikelpapamike

I deployed an app that loads an XML file and displays its data. On windows standalone works great. But when I save standalone as HTML5, put url command does not work. Is there a way that I can read a file on my HTML5 standalone?

I deployed it on my webserver under www mydomain . com / myapp and also uploaded my xml file on the same folder.

Re: HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 8:21 pm
by jacque
Do you get an error in the result? I'm thinking the path may be wrong, what url do you use?

Re: HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:21 pm
by mikelpapamike
Hello Jacque,

Yes I do get an error ""Failed to read preferences file at location" which means it can not find the file from the url i specified, inside the IDE when i try to load the file from : https://www.mydomain.som/file.xml it works normally but not when deploying to Html5.

Inside the stack I do have a button that saves a .txt file from a field to the "the effective filename of this stack" and load it back with another button that both work.

Any idea how to properly give the correct url of the xml file on my hosting server for the stack to be able to find and load it?

Thanks in advance.

Re: HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:48 pm
by mikelpapamike
I now tried to find the path that the program runs from, but the effective filename of this tsack, returns "./this.program" which i have no idea what means :cry:

Re: HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 11:03 pm
by jacque
I'm just guessing, but the path you got for the effective filename of the stack indicates a relative path that points to the folder the stack is in. The "./" means the current folder. You might want to try simply "./file.xml" and see if that works.

Re: HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:02 pm
by mikelpapamike
I already tried this with No luck.

Re: HTML5 can't load XML file on the same folder

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 3:28 pm
by AndyP
If you have a lc server, you can use this to get the server path.

Code: Select all


put $_Server["PATH_TRANSLATED"]

if you name the file , launch in the browser, you will see a result that gives the full server path to the file

or try this for php

Code: Select all

    echo realpath('path.php'); 