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Any Wysiwyg Dynamic page Website builder to complete LC ?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 9:49 pm
by liveme
Hi everyone;

To clarify my question above :
What I understand as of now is :
- For some reason, LC is not really focusing (yet?) on producing a complete HTML5 Website (pages) but rather more of a Database Desktop/Mobile Apps Tool.

Since my need next is to get my own Services Website page published.
i came to think that it is probably easier (as for me) to try grabbing some easy to use "Wysiwyg" Html5 web page builder with this 1 main essential feature :
- it should offer some quick data binding type of field creation, (combos,+ datagrid eventually)

(I know that there is plenty of Static wysiwyg Web pages builders out there...and many are going to think "Heyyy just learn html, thats easy !!!"
but binding fields or grids,etc... is where things can turn to be a headache, unless the builder tool is meant for this.
(Static builders are not most always and the devil is ALWAYS hiding in the details)

So the simple plan is to use this builder to take care of all the HTML/CSS and pages structuring of a website.
Once done, I would just retrieve all Fields names references and use those to link them to the LC code scripted by myself. (hence data binding)

I have the intuition that this method of using those 2 distinct tools for each website part "could be" the best/fastest compromise to build it.
...while offering better looking web pages.

So, under the hood LC would remain the only Language to manage for any dynamic data processing.

*if it would involve use of an LC server I would be ready to consider it.
If it can be achieved without, its also fine for me.
The idea being, less tools and languages to learn to keep maintenance simpler after.

So if you think you know such Builder tool and have linked it with DB on your Web page, I'd be also interested to know about.
*The cheaper, the better !
Many thanks as for now.

Have a nice week coding...or else ! :mrgreen:

Re: Any Wysiwyg Dynamic page Website builder to complete LC ?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2021 10:45 pm
by richmond62