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"revOpenDatabase" doesn't work anymore!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 3:15 am
by mluka
Hi, all.

While testing RR, I used a few of the Rev database functions and commands. To my satisfaction.

I've now purchased RR and installed it on a machine I'm using at the cottage, for the time being.

However, one of the stacks I used for testing no longer works.

This stack simply accesses a Filemaker Pro database, via ODBC, and fills a field with data from the DB.

I think I've set the "cottage machine" exactly like the machine I used for testing: the FM file (it's the same as on the test machine) is set up to allow sharing via ODBC; I've installed the FM Pro ODBC driver and configured it; I've set up a DSN pointing to the right file.

However, now when I execute the simple script that opens the database and returns the connection Id, RR freezes!

Debug tells me that it is freezing at the instruction

Code: Select all

get revOpenDatabase ("ODBC","ClientsPetit",,"Admin",)
If I try to run this from the message box, as in

Code: Select all

put revOpenDatabase ("ODBC","ClientsPetit",,"Admin",)
I get the message
Message execution error:
Error description: Handler: can't find handler
After a few seconds, I get the beachball; the only way out is to Force Quit RR. Force Quit reports that RR is "not responding"...

Does anyone have a clue???



Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:25 pm
by mluka
Hi, all.

Just a quick update on my travails.

My problem may be caused by a faulty Filemaker ODBC driver installation. I remember having had problems installing and configuring it on the "test machine".

I made some changes this morning (by the way, WHERE is GMT +5???), and now, Revolution bombs totally. I mean it simply disappears entirely. I don't even get an OS msg stating that it has "unexpectedly quit"!

I'll keep trying different things and will keep the community posted.

Have a nice "vacation" Sunday!

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:08 pm
by kpeters
Michel ~

go east from Greenwich (GMT) until you hit India (or a country in the north of it) and there's the GMT +5 timezone


Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 7:54 am
by Janschenkel
Hi Michel,

I think your assesment is correct and that the ODBC driver is somehow at fault. Is this on Windows or on Mac? I've used Rev with ODBC successfully on Windows, but not on Mac.

Jan Schenkel.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:52 pm
by mluka
Hi, Janschenkel.
Is this on Windows or on Mac?
On a Mac.

I haven't looked at the ODBC driver install yet. I suspect that, in the end, I won't want to use Filemaker as the database, but MySQL instead.

So I've been trying to install MySQL but also running into problems doing that. Probably a permissions problem, as they almost always turn out to be permissions problems!

I'll keep the forum posted.

An update

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:53 pm
by mluka
Hi, all.
So I've been trying to install MySQL but also running into problems doing that.
Update: all the symptoms pointed to an installation (of MySQL) that had not completed or that had not been done.

So I re-installed and everything is now OK, as far as MySQL is concerned: the proper directories are there, I can start an instance, I can connect to it.

Next step: whip up a couple of test DBs and try out Rev's functions.

Again, I'll keep the forum posted.