MySQL with EasyPHP

Creating desktop or client-server database solutions?

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MySQL with EasyPHP

Post by clydesider31 » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:35 am

Good evening

I teach Computing Science in secondary school and I'm trying to create a series of practical tasks for senior pupils. They have already created a MySQL database using EasyPHP and used this successfully to create a database-driven website (due to restrictions on the school network, the pupils run EasyPHP from USB pen drives). I now want them to access the same database from a Livecode program.

I am working with databases and Livecode for the first time and I've encountered problems trying to connect to the database using the following code:

put "localhost" into databaseAddress
put "testDB" into databaseName
put "root" into databaseUser
put "root" into databasePassword

put revOpenDatabase("MySQL", databaseAddress, databaseName, databaseUser, databasePassword) into connect

if connect is a number then
put connect into linkID
answer info "Connected to the database." & cr & "Connection ID = " & linkID
put empty into linkID
answer error "Unable to connect to the database:" & cr & connect
end if

This generates the error "Can't connect to MySQL server on localhost(0)". I suspect the issue is that I've not used the full path name of the database but I'm not sure what that is.

I found an earlier post with a similar problem 'MySQL + Localhost using MAMP'. The solution makes use of all 6 parameters associated with the revOpenDatabase function
get revOpenDatabase("mysql", "localhost", "testdb", "root", "root",false,"/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock"

The school PCs run Windows 7 so I'm guessing that the pathname would be something like: "E:/EasyPHP/EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9/binaries/mysql/data/testdb"

However, when I try using this pathname, I still generate the same error message as before.

Any help would be very much appreciated. Many thanks in anticipation.

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Re: MySQL with EasyPHP

Post by AxWald » Fri Mar 13, 2015 2:20 pm


not sure if I can help, but I may be able to give some hints:

1.) The second parameter in revOpenDatabase("mysql", ...) is the URL (""). If "localhost" doesn't work you might try the equivalent "". Maybe add a port: ""
If this doesn't work, try the real IP of the machine (or the real URL).

2.) When using paths on windows and having problems, always additionally try the backslash variant: "C:\aFolder\aFile.txt" instead of "C:/aFolder/aFile.txt" ...
I don't have a local MySQL here, but when connecting to a local SQLite I use this variant.
But as far as I see in the doku there's no need for a path anyways.

3.) Make sure MySQL allows connections other but from PhP! This is often disabled for security reasons.

Hope this helps! Have fun!
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Re: MySQL with EasyPHP

Post by clydesider31 » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:25 pm

Many thanks for your prompt reply.

Replacing 'localhost' with '' is indeed the solution. I only wish I had thought of that myself - seems so obvious now!

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