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Requested SSL level failed with tsNet

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 2:28 pm
by Zax

I just bought an Indy version in order to use secured FTP connexion (otherwise, the Community version was perfect to my personal needs).
I'm trying to send data (not file) with tsNetUpload() tsNet function like this:

Code: Select all

put "something" into myData
put 1 into connID
put true into tSettings["use_ssl"]

-- using "ftp" as URL :
put "" into tURL
put tsNetUpload(connID, tURL, "", "uploadComplete", myData, tSettings) into tResult
get tsNetRetrError(connID)
--> tsneterr: (64) Requested SSL level failed

As I'm not familiar with internet connections, I tried with the URL I used in my FTP software:
-- using "ssh" as URL (working URL used in my FTP software):

Code: Select all

put "ssh://" into tURL
get tsNetRetrError(connID)
--> tsneterr: (1) Protocol "ssh" not supported or disabled in libcurl

Data I'm trying to upload is located on a shared commercial host, so please don't tell me I would have to change some server side settings!

Thank you.

Re: Requested SSL level failed with tsNet

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 2:55 pm
by Zax
I found a workaround here : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=32548&p=179420#p179420
This topic can be closed.