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Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:39 pm
by rippertoews

I'm using xampp to host livecode server and so far so good... then I tried to copy revIgnitor into a subfolder and I can't seem to get it working... in my I have
the gConfig["baseUrI"] setting set and put "" into gConfig["indexPage"]... which appears to be correct.

I can run lc scripts but when I try to hit my page I get the following error...

file "C:/xampp/htdocs/testlocal/"
row 142, col 1: include: could not find file (/system/revigniter/

I"ve confirmed the follow file path exists... C:/xampp/htdocs/testlocal/system/revigniter/


Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:40 am
by ghettocottage
If it were a Linux box I would say it is probably a permissions problem, but I am not sure who Xampp runs as on a Windows box..

but check permissions on those files you added..they should be the same as some other web-files that do work.

Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:35 am
by rabit
Could you please tell me what the value of your server variable $_Server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] is?
Check this anywhere in your file above the following line

include gBASEPATH & "revigniter/RevIgniter" & gEXT



Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:05 pm
by rippertoews
Hi Ralf,

It value of PATH_TRANSLATED appears to be



Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:46 pm
by rippertoews
I tried running process monitor on the livecode-server.exe and it looks like it's looking /system/revigniter/ in the root of c:\ completely bypassing the c:\xampp\htdocs\testlocal\ folder path...

I also have external hosting in and I tried what works there (want to try my own hosting for experience) and just changed the URL in the baseUrl and I figured that would work but I get the error instead... if I try to run other lc scripts I create - they will run but not if I try loading the inside my testlocal subfolder.

My structure (from a windows perspective) is
c:\xampp\htdocs --> testlocal folder

I thought just changing the baseUrl in to my external DNS name and subfolder and trailing slash would be enough to get it working...


Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 3:27 pm
by rabit
Hi Jason,

to be honest, it appears that you are first who tried
to install revIgniter on Windows. This doesn't mean
that it is not possible to run revIgniter on Windows
but certainly it requires a couple of adjustments.

If you are adventurous we could try together to
iron out all flaws you may find on Windows.

So, my first advice is to set an absolute path for
gSystemFolder in In your case this is:


if this path still applies. Strangely PATH_TRANSLATED


as you mentioned, actually "testlocal" is missing here.
So, you might double check the path to your index file again.

Then replace:

Code: Select all

	put $_Server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] into sTempPath
	set the itemdel to "/"

	if char 1 of gSystemFolder is not "/" then
		put item 1 to -2 of sTempPath & "/" & gSystemFolder into gSystemFolder
	end if


Code: Select all

put $_Server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] into sTempPath
   	if "/" is in sTempPath then
   		put "/" into tPathDel
   		put "\" into tPathDel
   	end if
   	set the itemdel to tPathDel
   	if (char 1 of gSystemFolder is not "/") or (char 2 of gSystemFolder is not ":") then
   		put item 1 to -2 of sTempPath & tPathDel & gSystemFolder into gSystemFolder
   	end if

If this works you may replace the absolute path to system
in gSystemFolder with "system".

Please let me know if this helps.

Warm regards


Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:58 pm
by rabit
Hi Jason,

sorry, made a mistake, the fixed code should read:

Code: Select all

put $_Server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] into sTempPath

   if "/" is in sTempPath then
      put "/" into tPathDel
      put "\" into tPathDel
   end if
   set the itemdel to tPathDel

   if ((tPathDel is "/") and (char 1 of gSystemFolder is not "/")) or ((tPathDel is "\") and (char 2 of gSystemFolder is not ":")) then
      put item 1 to -2 of sTempPath & tPathDel & gSystemFolder into gSystemFolder
   end if


Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:24 pm
by rippertoews
Thanks for your help... I just wanted a testbed type of situation of using Revigniter & LiveCode server - but there are too many things with xampp that are becoming difficult - I'm going to see try a Ubuntu Server virtualbox image and set it up on there. Maybe we could have a Livecode/Revigniter "appliance" that is preconfigured... Just not sure on the legalities of that...

Thanks again,

Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:57 am
by denzio

I also have the same issue using XAMPP. My Livecode Community Server is running ok but the RevIgniter Framerk got error.
It does not include the folder path where the Revigniter Framework are stored.

file "C:/xampp/htdocs/"
row 148, col 1: include: could not find file (C:/xampp/htdocs/system/revigniter/

whereas the missing folder is revig (my folder that stores the revigniter framework files and folder)

The correct path should be:

Please help how to resolve this issue.

Thank you so much in advance.


Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:11 pm
by ghettocottage
In linux, a quick-fix would be to create a symlink to the folder that the application is looking for...not sure if windows has that. Shortcut maybe?

In other words, can you create a shortcut for this:


and rename that Shortcut to just system and put it in this folder:


Re: Revignitor and Livecoder Server

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:07 pm
by rabit
Hmm... even the engine gives the wrong path to the script file
in it's error message:

file "C:/xampp/htdocs/"

Could you please provide info about which revIgniter version you are using?
What happens if you set gSystemFolder in (line 19) to a full-server path to your system folder? Like:

Code: Select all

put "C:/xampp/htdocs/revig/system" into gSystemFolder
