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Image Colour Profiles

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 7:07 pm
by Chris
Hello - I've just briefly dipped in to LC after a VERY long gap because I want to update a small utility that I wrote in order to resize and export JPEG images. It works beautifully (even though I say so myself) except it comes unstuck with colour profiles other than sRGB. If, for example, I drop a jpg with an embedded ProPhoto profile, the colours in the resulting resized jpeg (which is saved with sRGB profile) are totally skewed. So what I need is for LC to be able to correctly read the original colour profile, which happens at system level on Mac and Windows. Any ideas??

*** edit*** attached jpeg examples. The first image is a jpeg with ProPhoto colour profile with correct colours (assuming your browser/OS is correctly respecting the profile!) the second image with awful green cast is how LC displays and exports an image with the ProPhoto profile.
JPEG example ProPhoto profile .jpg
Image after resave from LC.jpg

Re: Image Colour Profiles

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2020 9:10 pm
by bogs
Well, I know I have no taste (or answer for your question), and this will probably seem gauche, but I actually like the way picture 2 looks more than picture 1. Picture 2 (to me) looks richer and deeper, picture 1 looks kinda washed out <ducking the rotten vegetables suddenly flying my way> :shock:

Re: Image Colour Profiles

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:17 am
by Xero
I've had the same issue when it comes to an app I wrote that added grids, picked colours etc.
When I imported a jpeg with sRGB profile, I could save the image into a custom file, and when I opened the custom file (which had data to recreate gridlines etc.), the image worked just fine.
When I used any other colour profile, the image would open and be skewed, lines were too long, desaturated, just crapped out really!
I am gathering that this is out of the realms of LC, as it uses a typical colour profile, and is unable to handle others (maybe without a specific set of coding that deals with and saves these different colour profiles).
I will be watching with bated breath though, as this might solve my problem too.