IOS project Rounded buttons Strange Behavior

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IOS project Rounded buttons Strange Behavior

Post by gstrekkie » Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:49 am

Hi All,

I just started a new seemingly simple project for deploying on an IOS device. Its a simple calculator that I am making to learn Livecode. Everything seems to work fine on the device all the buttons look like they should, However on the livecode design screen some of the buttons allow what appears to be part of my background image to show through as if the button was transparent and the image beneath doesnt correlate with the background image as it sits on the stack. almost looks like its showing the contents of some random memory location that holds the background image control. if I grab one of the buttons and inadvertently slide it over the buttons with the problem it acts as if it is some sort of brush tool that smears the underlying graphics. if I then delete the button I just moved then the image reverts back to the way it looked originally. none of this shows up on the device or the simulator, If I create a mac OS x app the app exhibits the same symptoms. Its not really a big deal as I wont be really using it on my IOS device or Mac but I am unsure if it is something of my own doing or created when I installed the Maverick OS today. I never ran across this prior to today. I am using the community version 6.1.2 build 2016

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Re: IOS project Rounded buttons Strange Behavior

Post by jacque » Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:19 pm

I'm sure it's a bug. There have been several image-related bugs reported against Mavericks lately, I'm not sure if this one is in there. You could search the QCC at and if you don't see it there, report it.
Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at hyperactivesw dot com
HyperActive Software |

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