develop branch

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Re: develop branch

Post by mwieder » Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:38 am

You'll have to ask Mark -- he's the person who decided that the branch usually called "master" elsewhere is called "develop" in LiveCode. :)

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Re: develop branch

Post by LCMark » Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:12 am

@mwieder: I think I know a fair bit about git branching thanks, and LiveCode is not a simple project I'm afraid.

If you look back in this thread I explained the new branching structure:
'master' has gone, being replaced by 'master-6.7' and 'master-7.0'. The latter two branches track stable point releases of those two major versions.

'develop-6.7' and 'develop-7.0' have been added. These two branches are the frontier of development for maintenance releases for these two major versions.

'develop' is, as it always was, the frontier of development for the next major version.

If you want to add a feature, it should be done against 'develop' (unless there is a case for, and it has been agreed that, it should be back-ported to an existing major version).

If you want to fix a bug that has been introduced in 'develop', it should be done against 'develop'.

If you want to fix a bug that is present in 6.7, it should be done against 'develop-6.7'.

If you want to fix a bug that is present in 7.0 but not in 6.7, it should be done against 'develop-7.0'.

The main reason for these changes is to make it easier to maintain more than one existing major versions through the point release updates we have been doing; and so we can move to a merge-early-and-often strategy with pull requests. i.e. We'll merge into the relevant develop branches as soon as they have been reviewed, rather than bunching them up at the points we do a 'dp' or 'rc'.
Peter is wrong in his above comment. Our branching policy is based on 'git-flow' where the 'master' branch is the 'last stable release' - not the current frontier of development.

As we are currently maintaining multiple 'stable' branches - a single master branch wouldn't work - indeed we are essentially running 'git-flow' on three separate branches where develop-6.7 -> develop-7.0 -> develop all fold upwards. Since this is three (layered) instances of git-flow, it seemed sensible that the master branches should be named via their version. Since at the point of the restructure there was (and still is no) stable version of 8, there cannot be a 'master' branch as it doesn't exist yet.

Indeed I might still impose the current naming scheme and never have a master branch - i.e. 8.0 will be archived on a master-8.0 branch. Why? Because if there is reason have to maintain 8.0 for a period, then we end up with: develop-7.0 -> master-7.0, develop-8.0 -> master, and develop (holding work for 9.0)... i.e. develop and master are not the same major version. This, I think would make a complicated situation (imposed on us by wanting to be able to maintain multiple versions) more opaque.

P.S. I need to prod our maintenance team to make sure master-* is kept up to date whenever we release a point release - they are lagging a little behind.

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Re: develop branch

Post by peter-b » Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:30 am

> Peter is wrong in his above comment.

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Re: develop branch

Post by mwieder » Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:00 am

@mwieder: I think I know a fair bit about git branching thanks, and LiveCode is not a simple project I'm afraid.
Mark - fair point. I'm not trying to school you here. :P

I do find it weird not having a master branch, in spite of your cogent comments on your branching strategy. It's just not a situation I'm used to with git, especially now that I need to have multiple repositories, since the prebuilt directory confuses things to the point where it's impossible to build both 6.7 and any other version out of the same repo.

Given the current situation, I doubt I'll be submitting any more pull requests. Certainly not against the develop branch, since there's no way for me to test anything - LC8 does nothing but crash.

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Re: develop branch

Post by livecodeali » Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:27 pm

mwieder wrote:LC8 does nothing but crash.
@mwieder I know that @LCFraser has tried to help with this before, but it would help us all very much if we could resolve this issue. You've mentioned a problem with your PowerTools plugin before, have you tried a fresh build with no plugins and a deleted preferences file?

As far as I'm aware, no other Linux user experiences the problems you do (although admittedly I'm making the assumption we would have heard about it) and we build from source in the office on a variety of distributions without any problems whatsoever.

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Re: develop branch

Post by mwieder » Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:41 pm


No third-party plugins, I've got virgin installations of LC8 on linux pointing to different directories from the other builds.

OTOH, I've got LC8 installed on OSX 10.10.4 with my usual arsenal of third-party plugins and it's more stable.
Still crashes occasionally for no apparent reason, but it's an alpha build so no worries there.

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Re: develop branch

Post by mwieder » Thu Jul 09, 2015 3:32 am

Here's a screenshot for you.

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Re: develop branch

Post by livecodeali » Thu Jul 09, 2015 10:00 am

Ah, is that DP 2 installed, rather than running from the current develop branch? I can't say I've ever seen anything like that, but there was a problem that seemed to be fixed on relaunch in DP 2. There have been a *lot* of fixes to the IDE since DP 2.

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Re: develop branch

Post by mwieder » Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:15 pm

Yep, that's a virgin installation of dp2. No third-party plugins, nothing that isn't part of the installation package, otherwise clean resources directory.

The screenshot shows that I've typed "put the stackfileversion" into the messagebox but not gotten a response.
Also, I managed to create a new mainstack from the menu and opened the property editor.
I've learned not to open the dictionary.

Glad to hear that there have been fixes. It's been several months now since a dp release.

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Re: develop branch

Post by livecodeali » Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:21 pm

I had the mistaken impression you were building from source. Obviously since none of your problems seem to have been reproducible, it'll be sheer chance whether they have been fixed in dp 3.

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Re: develop branch

Post by mwieder » Fri Jul 10, 2015 5:40 pm

I can build it from source (from the current develop branch), and that's what started off this current discussion about the different develop branches, the prebuilt directory, and their lack of coexistence, but it's in a separate build directory. Aside from launching it once from there and discovering that develop now builds LC8.0, I haven't gone back there.


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