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Drag and drop images

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 7:15 pm
by chariscomp
Hello, I am new to Revolution. I have a copy of Revolution Media and am interested in making a card game with it. I want to be able to have cards and drag them around on the screen. I have looked at the drag and drop sample included in the system, but it doesn't show the image of the color swatch when dragging. I want to be able to drag a card and see it the whole time I am dragging it. I plan to use buttons for the cards as I have figured out how to add pictures to the buttons. Does anyone have any suggestions about this subject? I realize there may be a more efficient way, but that's as far as I have gone.

Thanks for any help!


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:18 pm
by malte
HI Joshua,

could you please be more specific of what you want to drag where? Do you want to drag elements within a window? If so you might want to try the grab command.

In a button script:

on mouseDown
grab me
end mouseDown

If something like this is what you are after, you might want to constrain the area your card images might be dragged in. In that case I can provide a more sophisticated script.

Concerning images in buttons: What you are after is the icon property:

set the icon of button "myButton" to the ID of image "myImage"

hope that helps,


PS: you might be interested in the free eBook I wrote, which is available on my homepage:


Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:02 pm
by chariscomp

This did the trick! I am interested in your additional information for constraining where the button can be moved. Also, how hard would it be to add the ability to snap to a certain area? A lot of card games that I have seen will snap the card into a nice neat pile if you just get it close. Thanks for all of your help!
