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Fresh parsing approach

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:52 am
by kresten
I started awkwardly the topic "Parsing in diary", describing my wish for a parsing which would not need an external file.
I provided -naively- the two relevant (long) handlers "phenoparse" and "glyphparse.
But I was helpfully explained the limited sizes of attachmentsn in the forum, and the concept af hosting services .
I first found a severely timelimited option, but following Stams advice I setled on "".
The full link is

It contains both "" and The fonts - ok also to Mac - when placed in users font-folder, are then availble for user to distribute around the textfield.Each has an english title. The many examples already placed around the textfield are meant to demonstrate that those referring to the body can be placed in the innermost fields, those referring to the domestic household in the next fields and those pertaining to the information household further out. It is important to know that the pictograms/ glyphs are only copies of what user can install from the 12 glyphwindows, and can be deleted.

To put my project into a broader context you may visit
This site was produced for an earlier version of the diary complicated by several features, which later were discarded.
But the site describes 6 very different target groups to which a freeware tool like this may be attractive.

Re: Fresh parsing approach

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:37 pm
by kresten
dear oblix
Thank you for trying the fonts and the incomplete diary.
I am ready to answer questions at