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Using LC IDE to control an Android Device

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 8:06 pm
by simon.schvartzman
Hi all, I wonder if it would be possible to control an Android Device, connected via USB to my Mac, from the LC IDE.

If the LC IDE is able to install/run APPs in the device (using just the Test button) I guess it should be possible to control it as well by sending keyboard presses and/or mouse positions.

Just to make myself clear what I want to achieve is a way to automate setting up several AndroidTVs involving downloading some APPs from Google Play and configuring the OS (time zone, language, etc).

One easy way would be to clone a master into several devices but till now I wasn't able to find any APP that would clone the whole environment...

So my idea is to use a Mac to run a script from the LC IDE that would send the proper commands one after the other (some timing in between should be needed but this is easy to be done) as if I were sitting in front of the Android device typing and clicking the mouse

Would it be possible? How?

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions...
