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Trying To Decide On LiveCode - Advice and Guidance Needed

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:56 pm
by smire
My name is Scott Mire and I work for a global audio hardware company. Many of our products (digital guitar amps, digital mixers, speaker processors, etc) going forward will require a mobile/desktop control app of some sort. Up till this point, we've done apps in Adobe Director, React Native, etc, etc. We are seriously considering LiveCode as our primary solution going forward, but I was hoping to leverage your expertise in confirming this is the solution for us.

Basically, we can do everything we need if LiveCode is capable of the following:

- Bluetooth communication from mobile app to our own bluetooth enabled hardware. In this case, we would be intimate with the hardware's bluetooth spec.

- Socket communication via wi-fi

- UDP communication via wi-fi

- Sending/receiving/parsing MIDI data in hex format over socket connections

- Communication via direct USB connection.

I really really want LiveCode to work for us....I just need to know, asap, is if what we need is possible...if even through a native extension.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Trying To Decide On LiveCode - Advice and Guidance Needed

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:33 pm
by FourthWorld
LiveCode can handle pretty much all of that, except possibly the USB part, as USB is a hardware specification where software requirements may vary depending on exactly what you want to do over the port.

LC supports both TCP and UDP, but UDP is sometimes unreliable depending on host OS limitations, router settings, etc.

Since both of those are areas where you'll encounter challenges in any software development tool, offhand I see no reason why LC wouldn't be at least as good a choice as any other for the requirements as listed.

Re: Trying To Decide On LiveCode - Advice and Guidance Needed

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:39 pm
by smire
Thanks for the response!

Come to think of it, our apps that do direct USB communication actually communicate via MIDI. The USB device (our hardware) shows up on Mac or PC as a MIDI device. I'm thinking that would require an extension that can detect system MIDI devices.

Re: Trying To Decide On LiveCode - Advice and Guidance Needed

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 3:25 pm
by MaxV
and ... ta_95.html
(you can translate it to your language with the translate button on the right)

Re: Trying To Decide On LiveCode - Advice and Guidance Needed

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:32 pm
by jacque
There is a bluetooth extension for iOS but none for desktop and Android. You might need to hire LC to create a custom external for that, or to expand on the iOS one that exists.

Re: Trying To Decide On LiveCode - Advice and Guidance Needed

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 8:17 pm
by capellan
Thierry Douez created a Midi external for MacOSX (iOS on request)
that you could find in his webpage:

Thierry is a consultant too. He could answer your questions about Midi
in this platform. From his webpage:


A responsive Midi player
as a LiveCode external for MacOSX

Play any Midi notes in real time (no latency) by setting the channel, the pitch,
the velocity and the duration - Associate a GM instrument to any of the 16 channels.
- Manage your Midi connections with physical or logical midi devices -
Trigger a LiveCode handler with an incoming Midi event. And more...
