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Re: lcVCS Docs

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:45 am
by jim1001
OK - I've just re-read this thread and realize Martin has already answered my questions in his post of Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:23 pm. I'll try following his instructions - thanks! I guess the reason why stack files with the normal extensions (.livecode, .rev etc) are ignored is that IcVCS doesn't (can't) track these but tracks the exported .vcs format file(s).
Martin Koob wrote:Here are some basic steps and a brief explanation of how it works to get started. If I have any of this wrong someone let me know. I have only set it up once for my project a while ago.



Re: lcVCS Docs

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 2:02 pm
by Martin Koob
the reason why stack files with the normal extensions (.livecode, .rev etc) are ignored is that IcVCS doesn't (can't) track these but tracks the exported .vcs format file(s).
Yes as I understand it lcVCS can't track the .livecode files because they are binary. I think script only stack files are different but I am not sure how lcVCS handles those, whether it still converts those into .vcs format or not.

Good luck in setting this up. Most of the learning curve is getting it set up right. Committing changes is straight forward. The next thing that I am still getting a handle on is branching and merging branches, I have done it and it has worked but I don't fully understand how it works so makes me a bit uneasy. I have not done anything wrong though that I could not recover from.

Continue to post your progress and questions here.
