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"3rd" generation relationship

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:41 am
by nrprioleau
This is a bit perplexing for me so hopefully I am just being short sighted here but I have 3 tables.

products (products)
poheader (purchase order header)
podetail (purchase order detail)

I have defined relationships between the poheader and podetail tables as well as a relationship between the products and the podetail table but there is no direct link between products and poheader table. When I populate data for the grid:

Code: Select all

put sqlquery_createObject("poheader") into theQueryA
   sqlquery_set theQueryA, "related table joins", "LEFT OUTER JOIN suppliers, LEFT OUTER JOIN podetail, LEFT OUTER JOIN products"
   ## Specify how results should be sorted
   sqlquery_set theQueryA, "order by", "poheader.poh_ID"
sqlquery_set theQueryA, "conditions", theConditions
It never returns any data for the products so my column for product name will be blank. I would appreciate a hint at where I am going wrong.

Re: "3rd" generation relationship

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:09 pm
by trevordevore
@nrprioleau - I'm sorry I never responded to this. I am set up to receive notifications when posts are made to this forum but no notification was sent. Did you every resolve this issue?