Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode utf-8 subject and mail body - Solved

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Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode utf-8 subject and mail body - Solved

Post by zgdzgdzgd » Mon Dec 11, 2017 11:12 am


i'am building standalone app based on Sarah Reichelts smtp library but now i'am facing the problem then i want to send email with Lithuanian symbols like (ąčęėįšųūž). Then i receive an email it not recognizing Lithuanian chars and displays ???.
My source code:

Code: Select all

 on mouseUp
   start using stack "sSMTPlibrary1"
   sSMTPconnectToServer, "sendEmails"
   disable me
   disable btn "Uždaryti"
   disable btn "Kategorija ComboBox" 
   disable btn "Subkategorija ComboBox" 
   disable field "Tekstas" 
   disable btn "Padaryti nuotrauką" 
end mouseUp

on sendEmails pState
   put the label of btn "Kategorija ComboBox" into pasirinkimasKategorija
   put the label of btn "Subkategorija ComboBox" into pasirinkimasSubkategorija
   put the text of field "Tekstas" into incidentoTekstas
   put "<topdesk>" & cr & "<incident>" & cr & "<callerlogin>nvappsrv</callerlogin>" & cr & "<category>" & pasirinkimasKategorija & "</category> <subcategory>" & pasirinkimasSubkategorija & "</subcategory> <request> <![CDATA[ " &\
    incidentoTekstas & cr & "Hostname:" & the hostName & cr & "]]>" & cr & "</request>" & cr & "</incident>" & cr & "</topdesk>" into test
        --Pirmas nurodytas el. pašto adresas yra gavėjo adresas, antras el. pašto adresas yra deklaruotinas siuntėjo adresas (realiai siuntejas gali buti
   sSMTPsendMessage ,,, sSMTPbuildEmailText(,, nfc_tag, \
         test), "messageSent"
   sSMTPsetTranscriptField the long name of fld "Log", transcriptSet
   sSMTPsetStatusField the long name of fld "Status"
   answer pasirinkimasSubkategorija, pasirinkimasKategorija
   -- end if
 end sendEmails
 on messageSent pState
   if pState <> "OK" then answer "Klaida registruojant incidentą: " & pState
    enable me
end messageSent
also Sarah Reichelts smtp library

Code: Select all

--> all handlers
local sConnectOK, sSocketAddr, sSmtpUser, sSmtpPass, sAuthNeeded
local transcriptPlain, transcriptVerbose
local callBackHandler, callBackTarget
local transcriptField, transcriptType, statusField

-- connect to SMTP server, authenticating if necessary
-- and return to the callback function
on sSMTPconnectToServer pServer, pCallBack, pUseAuth, pUser, pPass
  sSMTPshowStatus "Connecting to SMTP server..."
  put false into sConnectOK
  put empty into transcriptPlain
  put empty into transcriptVerbose
  put pCallBack into callBackHandler
  put the long name of the target into callBackTarget
  if pUser is not empty and pPass is not empty and pUseAuth = true then
    put true into sAuthNeeded
    put pUser into sSmtpUser
    put pPass into sSmtpPass
    put false into sAuthNeeded
  end if
  -- close any open sockets - resetAll if there are any problems
  repeat until the opensockets  is empty
    close socket line 1 of the opensockets
    if the result is not empty then
      exit repeat
    end if
  end repeat
  -- get account address & convert to numeric IP address
  -- hostnameToAddress function just returns the number
  -- if the entered server was already a number, so either will work
  -- hostnameToAddress() may return more than one line, so just pick a random one
  put any line of hostnametoaddress(pServer) into smtpServer
  if smtpServer is empty then
    sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror" && smtpServer & " could not be found", "all"
    sSMTPshowStatus ""
    sSMTPexitSMTP "noconnect"
  end if
  -- set up timeout check in case connection fails
  set the sockettimeoutinterval to 20000  -- 20 seconds
  send "sSMTPcheckTimeout" to me in 10 seconds
  -- open SMTP port, using port number 25 if no port number has been specified
  if smtpServer contains ":" is false then put ":25" after smtpServer
  put smtpServer into sSocketAddr
  open socket to sSocketAddr with message "sSMTPsocketConnected"
  if the result is not empty then 
    sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror can't make connection to " & sSocketAddr, "all"
    put empty into sSocketAddr
    sSMTPexitSMTP "noconnect"
  end if
end sSMTPconnectToServer  
function sSMTPbuildEmailText pSender, pRecip, pSubject, pBody, pAttach, pUseHTML
    -- if pUseHTML is true, pBody will contain htmlText only (no plain text)
    sSMTPshowStatus "Constructing email: " & pSubject
    put empty into emailText
    if pUseHTML = true or pAttach is not empty then
        -- multipart divider headers
        put "_NextPart_" & the seconds & "." & the ticks into partMarker
        put "_NextPart_" & the seconds+1 & "." & the ticks into partMarker2
        if pUseHTML = true then
            put "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=" & partMarker & CRLF into attachHeaders
            put "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=" & partMarker2 & CRLF into tExtraHeader
            put "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=" & partMarker & CRLF into attachHeaders
            put empty into tExtraHeader
        end if
        put "" & CRLF after attachHeaders
        put "This is a multipart message in MIME format." & CRLF after attachHeaders
        put "" & CRLF after attachHeaders
        put "--" & partMarker & CRLF after attachHeaders
        put empty into attachHeaders
    end if
    repeat for each line L in pRecip
        if L is empty then next repeat
        put "To: " & L & CRLF after toHeaders
    end repeat
    put "Mime-Version: 1.0" & CRLF after emailText
    put "X-Mailer: sSMTPlibrary1 (" & the cVersionNum of stack "sSMTPlibrary1" & ")" & CRLF after emailText
    put toHeaders after emailText
    put "From: " & pSender & CRLF after emailText
    put "Subject: " & pSubject & CRLF after emailText
    put "Date: " & the internet date & CRLF after emailText
    put attachHeaders after emailText
    -- if using HTML text, assemble the plain text form & the html form with the appropriate dividers
    if pUseHTML = true then
        -- plain text
        put "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed" & cr after tNewBody
        put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & cr & cr after tNewBody
        set the htmltext of the templatefield to pBody
        put the text of the templatefield into tPlain
        put tPlain & cr after tNewBody
        if pAttach is not empty then
            -- indicate switching from alternative to mixed, with change of part marker
            put cr & cr & "--" & partMarker & cr after tNewBody
            put tExtraHeader & cr & cr after tNewBody
            put partMarker2 into partMarker
        end if
        -- formatted text
        put cr & cr & "--" & partMarker & cr after tNewBody
        put "Content-Type: text/html; charset=US-ASCII" & cr after tNewBody
        put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & cr & cr after tNewBody
        if char 1 to 6 of pBody <> "<html>" then put "<html>" before pBody
        if char -7 to -1 of pBody <> "</html>" then put "</html>" after pBody
        put pBody & cr after tNewBody
        put tNewBody into pBody
        put "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" & CRLF after emailText
        put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & CRLF after emailText
        put "" & CRLF after emailText
    end if     
    -- period is the terminating character, so make sure it doesn't occur singly
    repeat for each line L in pBody
        if char 1 of L = "." then put "." & L & CRLF after emailText
        else put L & CRLF after emailText
    end repeat
    repeat for each line L in pAttach
        put "" & CRLF after emailText
        put CRLF & "--" & partMarker & CRLF after emailText
        set the itemdel to "/"
        put last item of L into shortName
        set the itemdel to comma
        put "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" & quote & shortName & quote & CRLF after emailText
        put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" & CRLF after emailText
        put "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=" & quote & shortName & quote & CRLF after emailText
        put "" & CRLF after emailText
        open file L for binary read
        read from file L until EOF
        put base64encode(it) after emailText
        close file L
    end repeat
    if pAttach is not empty then put "" & CRLF & "--" & partMarker after emailText
    put "" & CRLF after emailText
    return emailText
end sSMTPbuildEmailText
on sSMTPsendMessage pSender, pRecip, pSubject, pBody, pCallback, pAttach
    sSMTPshowStatus "Sending email: " & pSubject
    put pCallBack into callBackHandler
    put the long name of the target into callBackTarget
    -- check that email text has been formatted OK
    if pBody contains "Content-Type:" is false then
        sSMTPexitSMTP "TextNotFormatted"
    end if
    sSMTPsendReceive "MAIL FROM: <" & sSMTPextractEmail(pSender) & ">"
    repeat for each line L in pRecip
        if L is empty then next repeat
        sSMTPsendReceive "RCPT TO: <" & sSMTPextractEmail(L) & ">"
    end repeat
    sSMTPsendReceive "DATA"
    -- pBody has been pre-formatted with correct encoding, headers etc
    sSMTPsendOnly pBody
    -- or if you want to send the data in segments
    -- repeat until pBody is empty
    -- sSMTPsendOnly line 1 to 5000 of pBody
    -- delete line 1 to 5000 of pBody
    -- end repeat
    sSMTPsendReceive CRLF & "."
    sSMTPsendCallback "OK"
 end sSMTPsendMessage
-- stop if user has clicked a stop button
on sSMTPcancelConnection
  -- cancel timeout message
  sSMTPshowStatus ""
  put empty into sSocketAddr
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror socket connection stopped", "all"
  sSMTPexitSMTP "cancel"
end sSMTPcancelConnection
-- disconnect from SMTP server
on sSMTPdisconnectFromServer
  sSMTPexitSMTP "disconnect"
end sSMTPdisconnectFromServer

-- diagnostic functions to set where to display a transcript
-- from the server (either verbose or short)
-- and a status line for each operation
on sSMTPsetTranscriptField pField, pType
  if there is a pField then
    put pField into transcriptField
    put empty into transcriptField
  end if
  if pType = "verbose" then
    put "verbose" into transcriptType
    put "plain" into transcriptType
  end if
end sSMTPsetTranscriptField

on sSMTPsetStatusField pField
  if there is a pField then put pField into statusField
  else put empty into statusField
end sSMTPsetStatusField


-- check socket connection after opening
on sSMTPsocketConnected
  -- cancel timeout message
  -- read the welcome message from the server
  read from socket sSocketAddr until CRLF
  sSMTPaddToTranscript it, "all"
  if char 1 of it = "2" then
    put true into sConnectOK
    sSMTPexitSMTP "badconnect"
  end if
end sSMTPsocketConnected

-- once connection is made, cancel any pending timeout mesage
on sSMTPcancelTimeout
  put the pendingmessages into pendMess
  repeat for each line L in pendMess
    if L contains "sSMTPcheckTimeout" then cancel item 1 of L
  end repeat
end sSMTPcancelTimeout

-- add information to server transcript
on sSMTPaddToTranscript pData, pSet
  if last char of pData <> cr then put cr after pData
  put pData after transcriptVerbose
  if pSet = "all" then put pData after transcriptPlain
  if transcriptField is not empty then
    if transcriptType = "verbose" then do "put transcriptVerbose into " & transcriptField
    else do "put transcriptPlain into " & transcriptField
    set the vscroll of transcriptField to 999999
  end if
end sSMTPaddToTranscript

-- display current status line
on sSMTPshowStatus pStatus
  if statusField is not empty then do "put pStatus into " & statusField
end sSMTPshowStatus

-- send EHLO or HELO message and read server capabilities
on sSMTPsendHello
  sSMTPsendOnly "EHLO " & hostaddress(sSocketAddr)
  put empty into firstRead
    read from socket sSocketAddr until CRLF
    sSMTPaddToTranscript it
    if firstRead is empty then put it into firstRead 
    if it contains "AUTH" then put it into authHeader
    put it into tRead
    if char 4 of tRead <> "-" then exit repeat
  end repeat
  if char 1 of firstRead <> 2 then
    -- use old HELO instead
    sSMTPsendReceive "RSET"
    sSMTPsendReceive "HELO " & hostaddress(sSocketAddr)
  end if
  if sAuthNeeded = true and authHeader is not empty then
    sSMTPsendAuthMethod authHeader
    sSMTPsendCallback "OK"
  end if
end sSMTPsendHello

-- function to return the stripped email address
-- e.g. if sent "Joe Bloggs" <>
-- returns
function sSMTPextractEmail pAddress
  put wordoffset("@", pAddress) into wordNum
  put word wordNum of pAddress into tEmailAddress
  replace "<" with "" in tEmailAddress
  replace ">" with "" in tEmailAddress
  return tEmailAddress
end sSMTPextractEmail

-- check what sort of authorisation is supported
-- encode data if necessary, then start sending
on sSMTPsendAuthMethod pMethod
  sSMTPshowStatus "Authenticating..."
  put empty into authMethod
  if pMethod contains "LOGIN" then
    put "AUTH LOGIN" into authMethod
    put base64encode(sSmtpUser) into sSmtpuser
    put base64encode(sSmtpPass) into sSmtpPass
  else if pMethod contains "PLAIN" then
    put "AUTH PLAIN" into authMethod
    put space & base64encode(sSmtpUser & numtochar(0) & sSmtpUser & numtochar(0) & sSmtpPass) after authMethod
  end if
  -- authentication method not supported
  if authMethod is empty then sSMTPsendCallback "NotAuthenticated"
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> " & authMethod
  if word 2 of authMethod = "PLAIN" then
    -- PLAIN contains the login data in the method line sent
    -- so don't need to send user & password after sending method
    write authMethod & CRLF to socket sSocketAddr with message sSMTPauthDataSent
    write authMethod & CRLF to socket sSocketAddr with message sSMTPsendUser
  end if
end sSMTPsendAuthMethod

-- send user data
on sSMTPsendUser
  sSMTPshowStatus "Sending user name..."
  sSMTPreadData "Method"  -- reading response to METHOD, only gets back if data OK
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> " & sSmtpUser, "all"
  write sSmtpUser & CRLF to socket sSocketAddr with message sSMTPsendPass
end sSMTPsendUser

-- read response from user data sent
-- if not OK, readData exits, so once it gets back here, continue with sending password
on sSMTPsendPass
  sSMTPshowStatus "Sending password..."
  sSMTPreadData "User"  -- reading response to USER, only gets back if data OK
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> ********", "all"
  -- sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> " & sSmtpPass, "all"
  write sSmtpPass & CRLF to socket sSocketAddr with message sSMTPauthDataSent
end sSMTPsendPass

-- authentication data has now all been sent
-- read the next message from the server ,
-- it will exit automatically if there was an error
-- otherwise send an OK to the connection callback handler
on sSMTPauthDataSent
  -- read response to password
  -- if wrong, it won't return
  sSMTPreadData "Pass"  -- reading response to PASS
  sSMTPsendCallback "OK"
end sSMTPauthDataSent

-- this handler uses the callback message to report the number of emails
-- if there is an error, it is used to send back a 0
-- so that subsequent checks can be scheduled
on sSMTPsendCallback pState
  put "send " & quote & callBackHandler && pState & quote & " to " & callBackTarget into cmd
    do cmd
  catch errMsg
    sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror callback error: " & errMsg, "all"
    sSMTPexitSMTP "badcallback"
  end try
end sSMTPsendCallback

-- this routine sends data to the server and reads the response
-- SMTP responses always start with +OK or -ERR
on sSMTPsendReceive pData
  if pData contains "PASS" then
    sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> PASS ********"
    sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> " & pData
  end if
  write pData & CRLF to socket sSocketAddr
  sSMTPreadData word 1 of pData
end sSMTPsendReceive

-- this routine is for sending only, with no response expected
on sSMTPsendOnly pData
    if the number of lines in pData < 10 then
        sSMTPaddToTranscript "-> " & pData, "all"
    end if
    write pData & CRLF to socket sSocketAddr
end sSMTPsendOnly

-- this routine is for reading only
-- if there is an error, it closes the port & exits
on sSMTPreadData pWhat
    read from socket sSocketAddr until CRLF
    sSMTPaddToTranscript it, "all"
    if char 4 of it <> "-" then exit repeat
  end repeat
  if it is empty or char 1 of it is in "54" then
    sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror closing socket due to error reading " & pWhat, "all"
    -- don't allow infinite loop of unanswered QUITs
    if pWhat = "QUIT" then put empty into sSocketAddr
    sSMTPexitSMTP "badread"
  end if
end sSMTPreadData

-- close socket if still open,
-- tell callback handler unless it is an expected closure
on sSMTPexitSMTP pReason
  sSMTPshowStatus ""
  if sSocketAddr is not empty and pReason <> "noconnect" then
    sSMTPsendReceive "QUIT"
    close socket sSocketAddr
    put empty into sSocketAddr
  end if
  put empty into sSmtpUser
  put empty into sSmtpPass
  if pReason <> "disconnect" and pReason <> "cancel" and pReason <> "badcallback" then
    sSMTPsendCallback pReason
    exit to top
  end if
end sSMTPexitSMTP

-- these handlers are just to catch any connection failure
on sSMTPcheckTimeout
  put empty into sSocketAddr
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror timeout opening socket", "all"
  sSMTPshowStatus ""
  sSMTPexitSMTP "noconnect"
end sSMTPcheckTimeout

on socketTimeOut
  put empty into sSocketAddr
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror socket time out", "all"
  sSMTPshowStatus ""
  sSMTPexitSMTP "timeout"
end socketTimeOut

on socketError sockID, errMsg
  put empty into sSocketAddr
  sSMTPaddToTranscript "SMTPerror socket error: " & errMsg, "all"
  sSMTPshowStatus ""
  sSMTPexitSMTP "error"
end socketError

on socketClosed sockID
  put empty into sSocketAddr
end socketClosed

-- for information display formatting only
on preOpenCard 
  if the short name of this stack = "sSMTPlibrary1" then set the scroll of fld "Docs" to 0
  pass preOpenCard
end preOpenCard

-- these handlers are not part of the library
-- but are here to allow for stack resizing
on changeRect pObj, newL, newT, newR, newB
  put the rect of pObj into tRect
  if newL is not empty then put newL into item 1 of tRect
  if newT is not empty then put newT into item 2 of tRect
  if newR is not empty then put newR into item 3 of tRect
  if newB is not empty then put newB into item 4 of tRect
  set the rect of pObj to tRect
end changeRect

on resizeStack newW, newH
  if the short name of this stack = "sSMTPlibrary1" then 
    changeRect the long name of btn "Tabs", , ,newW - 10, newH - 10
    changeRect the long name of fld "Docs", , ,newW - 20, newH - 20
  end if
end resizeStack
i believe the problem is with email format:

when i receive email from my app and check the source code of the email i have this:
X-TNEFEvaluated: 1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

<category>Technika - Vilniaus paukÜtynas?????Ü??×</category> <subcategory>Technin? ?ranga (skerdimas)</subcategory> <request> <![CDATA[ Testinis tekstas?????Ü??×
but then i send a test message from my gmail i got this format, and it displays Lithuanian chars perfectly:
X-TNEFEvaluated: 1
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="001a1145a18e936d9605600d428f"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"

the question in that i need to change/include in my source code to display unicode chars in subject ant mail body text ?

Thank you.

also i attached my code.
(197.63 KiB) Downloaded 196 times
original Sarah Reichelts smtp
(20.35 KiB) Downloaded 189 times
Last edited by zgdzgdzgd on Tue Dec 12, 2017 3:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 906
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:53 am

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by shaosean » Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:16 pm

I think her's only handled ASCII characters.. If you find an old copy of the email libraries I wrote, I believe it handled unicode..

Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:26 pm

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by zgdzgdzgd » Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:31 pm

shaosean wrote:
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:16 pm
I think her's only handled ASCII characters.. If you find an old copy of the email libraries I wrote, I believe it handled unicode..

in original smtp library code, the mail text is formatted in unicode, but subject field is ASCII :/

Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:26 pm

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by zgdzgdzgd » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:24 pm

shaosean wrote:
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:16 pm
I think her's only handled ASCII characters.. If you find an old copy of the email libraries I wrote, I believe it handled unicode..
at first i didn't noticed the line in library:

Code: Select all

        put "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII" & CRLF after emailText
        put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" & CRLF after emailText
i have changed it to:

Code: Select all

        put "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8" & CRLF after emailText
        put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" & CRLF after emailText
and i put the line in the main code:
put base64Encode (textEncode(test,"UTF-8")) into etest
still when i receive email it's not formated properly, it looks like this:
nvappsrv Technika - Vilniaus paukštynasąčęėįšųūž Techninė įranga (skerdimas)
and should look like this:
<category>Technika - Vilniaus paukštynasąčęėįšųūž</category> <subcategory>Techninė įranga (skerdimas)</subcategory> <request> <![CDATA[ Testinis tekstasąčęėįšųūž
The code is encoding corectly, encoded text looks like this:
when i use decoder from base64 to text:
it decodes it to:

Posts: 906
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:53 am

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by shaosean » Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:41 pm

zgdzgdzgd wrote:
Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:31 pm
in original smtp library code, the mail text is formatted in unicode, but subject field is ASCII :/
To encode a header using this technique you must use this format:

Code: Select all

And this is an example of its use:

Code: Select all

The encoding must be either B or Q, these mean base 64 and quoted-printable respectively. You can read the RFC 1342 document for more information about how they work.

Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:26 pm

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by zgdzgdzgd » Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:30 pm

shaosean wrote:
Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:41 pm
zgdzgdzgd wrote:
Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:31 pm
in original smtp library code, the mail text is formatted in unicode, but subject field is ASCII :/
To encode a header using this technique you must use this format:

Code: Select all

And this is an example of its use:

Code: Select all

The encoding must be either B or Q, these mean base 64 and quoted-printable respectively. You can read the RFC 1342 document for more information about how they work.
this is only for header? or i can encrypt my mail body with it ? Still struggling to implement this :/

Posts: 906
Joined: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:53 am

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by shaosean » Tue Dec 12, 2017 3:03 pm

That is for the headers only..

Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:26 pm

Re: Sarah Reichelts smtp library - unicode subject and mail text

Post by zgdzgdzgd » Tue Dec 12, 2017 3:49 pm

I spend half a day and found the solution:

i changed part of the code in library to this:
put "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8;" & cr after tNewBody
put "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable" & cr & cr after tNewBody
also in the main code i added this ugly piece of code hack, that it does is replaces all lithuanian uppercase and lowercase chars manually, you can find all utf-8 chars in hex format here: ... ?start=256
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Ą with "=C4=84" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace ą with "=C4=85" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Č with "=C4=8C" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace č with "=C4=8D" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Ę with "=C4=98" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace ę with "=C4=99" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Ė with "=C4=96" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace ė with "=C4=97" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Į with "=C4=AE" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace į with "=C4=AF" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Š with "=C5=A0" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace š with "=C5=A1" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Ų with "=C5=B2" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace ų with "=C5=B3" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Ū with "=C5=AA" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace ū with "=C5=AB" in test
set the casesensitive to TRUE
replace Ž with "=C5=BD" in test
set the casesensitive to FALSE
replace ž with "=C5=BE" in test
so now the email is utf-8 encrypted and it recognizes Lithuanian chars... i know i looks ugly but it works, i didn't found any better solution :/

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