Possible Solution :-) "The folder is not a valid SDK folder"

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Possible Solution :-) "The folder is not a valid SDK folder"

Post by newlearning » Wed Sep 14, 2011 11:53 pm

Hello everybody, I'm new to LiveCode. And reading through the forum noticed other people got the same error as I did when trying to assign the "Android SDK" folder.

I tried the LiveCode official guide "How to become an Android Developer on the PC" and the reccomendations of BarrySumpter http://forums.runrev.com/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=8137

Still had no luck. I placed a ticket and got a quick response and was told to download LiveCode v4.6.4 which fixed this issue, I did but still got the same problem. :(

Finally, while attending to the webinar I did a fresh install and activated LiveCode with the automatic option. I tried to tell LiveCode where the Android SDK was and failed again. As I closed all the windows I noticed there was a window prompting me to activate LiveCode, which I had already done. So I did, once again, and being the stubborn person I am I tried to tell LiveCode where the Android SDK folder was and voilá it worked ! :P

I tried it on another machine which I had previously installed LiveCode and ...... :P :P (You guessed)

So, try this it might help you as it helped me.

1) Run LiveCode if you already have it installed (don't forget to install the JDK and the Android SDK if you haven't done so, I just accepted the default locations)
2) Go to Help -> Re-License LiveCode
3) Activate LiveCode, even if you already activated your license
4) Then go to Edit -> Preferences -> Mobile Support
5) Browse for your Android SDK folder where it says "Location Of Android development SDK root" (look for the folder named android-sdk inside the Android folder)
6) LiveCode automatically locates your Java SDk (in my case v1.7)
7) Pat yourself on the back for a good job and start testing LiveCode ! :wink:

I hope this helps somebody, if it does please comment so other know, much better if you can try it on Mac OS, and Linux.

It worked for me with Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Pro SP3 and Windows Vista all of them 32 bits and JDK 1.6.3 and 1.7.

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Re: Possible Solution :-) "The folder is not a valid SDK folder"

Post by richervin » Sat Sep 17, 2011 5:30 pm

I had this same experience, but upon my first attempt to deploy the android I got some message about "Not supported on this platform".

I had already begun successfully deploying from the Macintosh version of the software, and had already lost three days on the Windows side, so immediately gave up. Also the test and test target features remained grayed out.

Have you had a successful deployment or build? Does it recognize your android simulators, or android device?
LiveCode 5.1.1 on Mac OS Mountain Lion
Attempting to develop for Android and iPhone
Currently on my third trial, and still finding LiveCode to be difficult for mobile applications in general, and particularly poor for Android

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Re: Possible Solution :-) "The folder is not a valid SDK folder"

Post by newlearning » Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:22 pm

Hello richervin,

Yes I have been able to make successful builds (produces .apk) and it indeed recognizes my virtual device and the application runs in the simulator. I have just made very simple things though, I'm just getting my feet wet with LiveCode.

1) My first question to you would be if LiveCode was able to find your Android SDK on the directory you specified and then automatically found the directory were your Java JDK was installed.

2) Have you already created a virtual device in the Android SDK Manager? (Remember that the device you create should be running minimum Android 2.2 (Froyo))

3) Make sure that you have specified in the "Standalone Application Settings" Android as the output or Build. I read somewhere that when you build for Android it won't build for the other platforms, so from what I understood if you want to build for Windows, Mac, etc. after you have your build for Android you should check the boxes again for Windows, etc. and uncheck the one for Android.

3) Now, for the problem where "Test" and "Test Target" features are greyed out, what I do is run the Android SDK Manager first and start the virtual device before opening and running LiveCode. After LiveCode start you should see "Test" is not greyed out. Then once I have made the application, go to File -> Standalone Application and it will create your .apk file. If you want to have a look at it before using the simulator, go to Development -> Test Target and choose the virtual device. Finally click on "Test" and you should see your application running on the simulator.

I hope this will helps, if it doesn't we'll see how we can try to solve it.

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Re: Possible Solution :-) "The folder is not a valid SDK folder"

Post by BarrySumpter » Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:38 am

Hi newlearning,


I noiced my post didn't have the accompanying doco.
I've updated the post to include the doco now.

If you have any suggestions on how to improve my doco I'm happy to update and post again straight away.
All my best,
Barry G. Sumpter

Deving on WinXP sp3-32 bit. LC 5.5 Professional Build 1477
Android/iOS/Server Add Ons. OmegaBundle 2011 value ROCKS!
2 HTC HD2 Latest DorimanX Roms
Might have to reconsider LiveCode iOS Developer Program.

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Re: Possible Solution :-) "The folder is not a valid SDK folder"

Post by newlearning » Thu Sep 22, 2011 3:14 pm

Hello Barry. Sorry for the late reply, been busy testing. Thank you for the update, you did a great job with it. Well, if you could add what I explained it would be great, as I said maybe it will also work for someone else. If something else comes up I'll let you know.

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