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rTree documentation

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:46 pm
by mattmaier
rTree is poorly documented so I'm going to start collecting information that I need to understand and work with rTree that I had to search for.

I want to send a message to my main application's engine when the user expands a node, so I used the nodeExpanded handler in the rTree object's script. But how to get the node's ID? Well, in the "TODO LIST" comments in the rTreeBehavior button in the engine card in the rTreeEngine stack there's a list of handlers AND their arguments. There's some other interesting stuff in there but at the moment this is what I'm looking for.

# deleteNode theNodeID, theTreeID.
# nodeDown theButton, theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeUp theButton, theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeDoubleDown theButton, theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeDoubleUp theButton, theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeEnter theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeLeave theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeNameChanged oldName, newName, nodeID, TreeID. WORKING.
# nodeExpanded theNodeID, newValue, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# nodeCollapsed theNodeID, newValue, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# newNode theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING.
# dragNodeStart theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# dragNodeMove theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# dragNodeDrop theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# dragNodeEnd theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# moveSomeNodes theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING.
# startScanNode theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING.
# finnishedScanNode theNodeID, theTreeID. WORKING.
# startCalculateTree theTreeID. WORKING.
# finishedCalculateTree theTreeID theNumberOfNodes. WORKING.
# startRenderTree theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.
# finnishedRenderTree theTreeID. WORKING. DOCUMENTED.