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getting started with rTree

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:18 am
by mattmaier
I feel like I must be missing something obvious, but I can't get rTree to work properly. I create a new mainstack, then open rTree, then drag the control onto my new mainstack. At that point it mostly works, except for a couple things I found like having to manually change the icon ids. However, when I close everything and open my project again the rTree control is totally unresponsive and it looks like none of the rTree information remained in my project. I tried including the rTree .livecode file, but that didn't work.

Re: getting started with rTree

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:29 pm
by mattmaier
This fixed the problem for me. Open the mainstack that you want to use rTree in, then also open the rTree engine file. Drag the rTree object onto a card, which makes a copy of it. Then open the property inspector for the rTree engine and under "basic properties" use the pulldown to select your mainstack. That will make the engine a substack which belongs to the mainstack, making it part of your new project.