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Welcome to the User Groups and Gatherings Forum

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 3:38 am
by Lynn
Welcome to the User Groups and Gatherings Forum!

This is the place where you can gather together to plan to - gather together :)

Although there are many internet only forums and lists devoted to Revolution, you could discover that you have a Revolutionary neighbor and didn't know it! Make sure you include your geographical location in a visible place so people can find you.

If you do form a user group or would like to give a presentation at a local user group, make sure you let us know! We can help you gather interested users and maybe even come ourselves.

Start by posting your location and, if you form a group, we will "level up" your original post so that its easier to find your group.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd