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Can externals send messages to object that called handler?

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:03 pm
by trevordevore
I ran into an issue with revXML the other day. I had two handlers that each wanted to parse some XML with messages (I don't want to create a tree). One in a library stack, the other in the active stack. The issue is that revXML sends messages to the current card of the current stack rather than directly to the object that called revXMLCreateTree. This is problematic as I don't see a way of independently handling the messages to differentiate between the XML being parsed. Am I missing something?

Is it possible for an external to target the object that called a handler in it so that messages can be brokered appropriately?

Re: Can externals send messages to object that called handle

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:12 pm
by Mikey
That's the way that all of Monte's externals go - the object that calls the external gets event messages.