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Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 12:46 pm
by jsburnett
I am not an expert at servers or domains.

I have livecode hosting. (

I have purchased a domain '' from 'GoDaddy'

I found it straight foward to set up an email using the domain with cPanel.

I can send and recieve mail from web-clients such as
I can send and recieve mail from a desktop email client on my windows 10 desktop - but can not send or recieve email from gmail.

Is this s domain issue? Do i have to 'register' the domain with the livecode server other than setting up the emaIl?

So to make an email account, I went to the cPanel for livecode ( and went to 'Domains'. I added the Domain. in this case ''. I then went to 'Email' and created an email account using that domain in this case ''.

Is there security set up with gmail? Can I make my email on livecode hosting compliant with this security or other requirements?

In the past I tried using a domain already registered to 'Wix', in this case '' and when sending email from gmail it would bounce back with the message (Address not found / Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.). With the domain '' when I send email from gmail, it does not bounce back, but is not delivered. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

I am sure there is documentation out there. Could someone point me in a direction to find this and let me ask basic questions? I would appreciate it.

Is this the correct forum?

Making email accounts with livecode hosting is so cool, but i have run into a snag here. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

John Burnett

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:30 pm
by SparkOut
I don't know what the problem is, but I would question how you have the DNS configuration set.

Email entries under DNS should include MX records as a munimum, but I believe SPF records are going to be pretty much a requirement for many servers, including Google. is geared for Gmail but has sections which describe SPF setup, and reference to 3rd party servers.

If it isn't that, then I would need to spend more time rereading and digesting to think about the problem.

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 5:38 pm
by ghettocottage
You do not have an MX record set up for your domain.
It looks like you have GoDaddy set up as your DNS server, so you need to go into there and point your MX records to wherever the email server is.

The email server is what you set up when you added the account to your windows 10 client. It might be something like or whatever.

I would not worry about the SPF records just yet. set up your MX records first and see it that fixes your issue.

Just out of curiosity: Does your livecode server offer to handle DNS for your domain? If so, you might just change livecode server to your DNS server. They probably have default settings for your email

If they do, and you go that route: it can take anywhere from 12 hours to 3 days for DNS server to change be patient if you make that change.

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:50 pm
by matthiasr
I agree with Ghettocottage.

You have to tell GoDaddy that you want to use your "own" name servers and enter the nameservers of Livecodehosting.

To do that login into your Godaddy account, go to My Domains and select your Domain

Now press DNS on the right side

In the next dialog select to use your own name servers (should be the 2nd option).

and enter the following nameservers

If you've already added the domain to your LivecodeHosting account then all should be setup already correctly, so that you now should be able to receive your emails to your LivecodeHosting account.


Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:55 pm
by ghettocottage
..I just want to re-iterate that changing nameservers can take up to a few days to completely propagate across the internet. If you make that change, things might start working in a few hours...and then stop working..then start working again.

You just have to wait the full 3 days before you can really trouble-shoot anything that has to do with DNS. You will cause yourself all sorts of pointless headaches if you dinker too much with it before the DNS server has fully changed.

Ask me how I know this..

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:21 pm
by matthiasr
One good site to lookup the dns settings of a domain (MX, DNS, A record and so on) is

But as Ghettocottage already mentioned, it can take up to 72hours until the new dns settings are available worldwide.

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:10 pm
by jsburnett
Thank you to all for your prompt replies.
WIll will make the changes via GoDaddy and follow it up over the weekend.

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:45 pm
by jsburnett
@ Ghettocottage

So when I go to godaddy, my choices where different/my screen was different than yours.

So I added the Nameservers as belwo.
Anything I should change?

Sorry, not sure how to add pics to posts.

Last updated 9/3/2020 3:06 PM
Type Name Value TTL Actions

A @ Parked 600 seconds Edit
CNAME www @ 1 Hour Edit
CNAME _domainconnect 1 Hour Edit
NS @ 1 Hour
NS @ 1 Hour

NS 1 Hour Edit
NS 1 Hour Edit
NS 1 Hour Edit

SOA @ Primary nameserver: 1 Hour

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:48 pm
by matthiasr
That's not correct. You have setup the Domain first to use other nameservers.

If i understand your text correctly, then it seems that to added the nameserver to the nameserver settings of the GoDaddy nameserver.

Could you make a screenshot how your configuration "panel" or how this is called looks like?

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 8:59 pm
by matthiasr
Does your Account looks more like this?


If so then press onto the 3 ... and select "Manage DNS". Then you should see your DNS records. Scroll down until you see the Heading Nameservers
There you should see the option to change the setting.


Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 9:32 pm
by ghettocottage

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:12 am
by jsburnett

Thanks for your support and guidance.
I was able to correct this and have started reading and learning more on this topic. Thank you!!

John Burnett

Re: Email Issue or Domain Issue?

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:49 am
by ghettocottage
Glad you got it working.
I can run a query from my computer and see your MX record now:
