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Which editor do you use (with auto indent) ?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:14 am
by bangkok
Until now, I was using a simple text editor to create LC Server pages.

But adding more and more HTML tags, CSS, especially with framework like Bootstrap quickly becomes difficult to read the code. It's even a real mess.

Which solution do you use ? I've tried NotePad++ with TinyHTML plug in. It's a good start (to auto indent and colorize HTML tags).

Is there a tool that could "recalculate" automatically all the indentation for HTML and LC codes, within the same document ?

Re: Which editor do you use (with auto indent) ?

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 1:45 pm
by Mark

I have the following options:
1) my own little script editor, which allows me to export a script directly to a file
2) TextWrangler
3) Aptana

Kind regards,


Re: Which editor do you use (with auto indent) ?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:21 am
by icouto
I heartily recommend Sublime Text. It is a very, very polished tool, that you can customise to your heart's content, until it perfectly fits your workflow. It is cross-platform, and has a huge loyal following - like LiveCode. You can download and use it for free, but the developer asks you to please pay for it, if you decide to keep it.

If you do download it, I also strongly recommend you do the series of tutorials for it, freely available at NetTuts.

Apologies for not posting direct links to any of these - apparently, my account level in the forum does not allow me to post links... :(

Re: Which editor do you use (with auto indent) ?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:45 am
by bangkok
Thanks Icoutu, SublimeText looks indeed very interesting !

This video explains what to do.

Re: Which editor do you use (with auto indent) ?

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:25 pm
by FourthWorld
I use the LiveCode IDE, but mostly because I have a preference for separating my HTML and LiveCode rather than mixing them.

Folks coming from a PHP background often enjoy mixing LiveCode scripts withing their HTML templates. There's certainly nothing wrong with that (arguably some advantages for some thing), and LC makes it easy to do.

But I tend to lay out my pages or page elements first, then write code to assemble them, so I'll usually author my pages in any HTML editor and use simple function placeholders in them, with the functions defined in a separate library.

This approach not only lets me use different editors optimized for each side of that, but also helps separate my code and content in ways I've found useful for ongoing enhancement.