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Difference between LC Server and HTML5 Standalone

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:34 pm
by sritcp

I am totally ignorant about LC Server, and my knowledge of LC HTML5 is not much more.
I am trying to get some perspective on each.

What is the difference between an HTML5 Standalone and loading a stack into an HTML document using server side scripting?

Please feel free to educate me with more general comments, if necessary.

Thank you,

Re: Difference between LC Server and HTML5 Standalone

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:48 pm
by [-hh]
Hi Sri.

LiveCode Server, available in LC 6/7/8, provides a non-GUI-engine server-side.
HTML5 standalones, available in LC 8, have a LC-engine client-side.

First info to LC server

First (mostly actual) info to HTML5 standalones
LC 8 > Dictionary > Tab Guide > HTML5 Deployment

sritcp wrote:What is the difference between an HTML5 Standalone and loading a stack into an HTML document using server side scripting?
A HTML5 standalone is probably what you mean by "load a stack into a HTML document" (what is not generally possible with 'server side scripting').

Re: Difference between LC Server and HTML5 Standalone

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:47 pm
by sritcp
Thanks, Hermann!

I was wondering if the final result is similar.
That is, are these two ways to achieve the same final result (with different advantages/ disadvantages)?
Load a stack (include or require) is part of server side scripting given in the guide.


Re: Difference between LC Server and HTML5 Standalone

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:23 am
by [-hh]
sritcp wrote:I was wondering if the final result is similar.
You will be able in most cases to create with the HTML5 standalone builder (the final, not the current alpha) results similar to that created by LC-Server.

Vice versa: NO.
I have a lot of HTML5 standalone examples available online (incl. input stack!), see "Successfull test". You could try to make one of these "similar" with server side scripting. Then show us the result.