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video player acts as if it's hidden but it's still visible.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 5:41 pm
by thomthib
My stack has an area where a text field surrounded with an ornamental frame image can appear, and when the user activates a player with video that appears in the same area, the text field and image hide and the video shows.

When the user toggles the other direction, the text field and image reappear but the video doesn't hide as it's supposed to. The video player acts as if it's just an image since you can't activate the player controls. Sometimes the player constrol hide but not the video.

Also, when you click on the video in edit mode, the inspector shows info on the graphic below the video instead of info for the video paler. It seems that LC thinks the video is hidden but it's still visible although you can no longer interact with it.

This happens when I try to hide the video player or change it's layer to 'bottom' or relocate it outside the window. This problem doesn't exist with stacks that I created with LC 5. It's only became a problem since I upgraded to LC 6.

Re: video player acts as if it's hidden but it's still visib

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 5:45 pm
by Klaus
Hi Thom,

what format is the video?
What did you script so far to show/hide your objects?
Are you using a Mac or Windows?
What is your favourite band?



Re: video player acts as if it's hidden but it's still visib

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:03 am
by SparkOut
Sounds like some of the rendering updates have affected things. Do you have dynamic layer mode on for the objects in that area? Does it help if you try to force a screen redraw with lock screen and unlock screen?

Re: video player acts as if it's hidden but it's still visib

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:49 pm
by thomthib
I've done the lock screen approach. I ended up creating a new button from scratch and now it seems to work. That button was probably 7 years old and it seems it just got corrupted somehow. I've had some issues since upgrading from LC5 to LC6, one being a GIF image that caused the stack to crash under LC6. I don't understand why this happens but recreating the button seems to have fixed the problem. Is it true that individual objects can get corrupted?